Sailing yachts

Historic Schooner

(REF: 17963)


  • Builder: N.F. Hansen, Odense
  • Year: 1894
  • Location: S. France
  • Length on deck: 44'9"
  • Beam: 9'8"
  • Draft: 6'3"

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Full specification

Wooden ships comments on this Historic Gaff schooner.                                                                                              £95,000                                  


UK Owner                             USA Flag.                                                       Lying S France


Length on deck                                  44’9”                13.64m

Lwl                                                     34’6”                10.52m

Beam                                                   9’8”                  2.96m

Draft                                                  6’3”                  1.9m

Length overall incl 10’  b-sprit            55’                   16.74m

CIM Ls (Dynamic water-line)                                    10.92m

CIM  APM                                                                  301.7


Historic Schooner

Built by N.F. Hansen in Odense, Denmark in 1894 for a Mr Lind Hansen and apparently to his design and was registered in the Lloyd’s Register of Yachts in his name until around 1911.


Her design is very radical for her period and believed to be inspired by Herreshoff’s 1892 Gloriana with a clipper bow and the revolutionary cut-away forefoot, soon adopted by Fife and all other Naval Architects, in view of Gloriana’s 8 victories and no losses in her first season.

Launched with a gaff cutter rig and of course no engine.


In 1934 three Danish lads, the Randrup brothers and a chum set of from Copenhagen on a round the world voyage in the yacht, now rigged as a schooner and they published a brochure for the trip of which a copy still exists on board.

They got as far as Plymouth where she was acquired by W.J.W. Modley. He carried out some work on the yacht including the installation of a Thornycroft Handy Billy 2-cyl hand cranked petrol engine which was one of the most common small yacht engines at the time, she was renamed Icicle 1V and registered under UK flag.

She spent the war laid up in Newton Ferrars near Plymouth until acquired by Tony Williams in 1954 and refitted by his brother Trevor.

In 1959 the Williams brothers and the grandsons of the previous owner set off across the Channel for France, they over-wintered in Paris and proceeded down the canals to Marseilles in the summer of 1960.

The Williams took work in the local boatyards, living on board the yacht until she was sold to the present owner by Wooden Ships in January 1985, by then in rather run-down condition.

The new owner worked in Switzerland at the time and the first stage restoration in the early years was carried out by the owner on week-end trips to Port Grimaud. This work mainly involved strengthening the bottom end of the boat by fitting new galvanised floors and some lower frame futtocks in order to get her sailing again with a first cruise out to the Isle de Levant.


The grp sheathing on deck was removed and new stainless steel chain plates fitted and she took part in the 1985 Nioulargue out of St Tropez and continued to do so every year from then until 1995 by which time she and her owner  had become well-known on the coast.


Over the next 10 years the yacht underwent significant refitting and renewals every year gradually improving her while keeping her sailing every summer.

She won the Coupe Phocea in Marseilles in strong winds in 1989 and the Trofeo Agnesi in Imperia the same year.


In 1995 she was transported to Evian on Lake Geneva and the owner started on a 5 year program of further restoration work 1995- 2000 before she was launched and sailed on Lake Geneva.


In 2003 she was given a redesigned “lake rig,” taller masts with more sail area for lake racing.


In 2005 she returned to St Tropez and has taken part in Les Voiles de St Tropez every year since.


See below for full details of work in all the refit stages.


The history of this yacht is a reflection of extraordinary enterprise and effort on the part of her dedicated owner over his 29 years with her.


Planking                                1.25” pitch-pine.

                                               1992. All seams raked out and stopped with Sikaflex, a butyl                                                         rubber compound which has proved to be totally successful and the                                               yacht is 99% dry as proved when she was relaunched after 5 years                                                  laid up for the Evian refit 1995-2000 after which the owner reports                                                      she only took a few cupfuls of water.


Anti-fouling.                         The bottom is coated with CopperPlus, a hi-teck antifouling coating                                               made of copper dust in an epoxy paste and applied to the bare                                                        timber. First applied in 2005, second coat applied in 2011.                                                               CopperPlus has proved to be totally successful and has saved huge                                                        time and cost over the years.


Frames                                  Sawn oak 600 x 800mm at 700mm centres with 2 x 400 x 250mm                                                  steam bent acacia timbers between.

1995, garboards and 3 following planks replaced port and

starboard.. From the companionway steps to the fore cabin all soft                                                                                    frame heels replaced with new timber scarphed into the sound original higher up.

Original wrought iron floors removed and galvanised.

New galvanised floors made and fitted forward and under the engine beds.




Fastenings     Almost all original square bronze nails in the underwater planks/sawn frames,  and square iron nails in the planks/sawn frames above the waterline were replaced by 8mm stainless steel coach-bolts.  The steam bent timbers were all re-fastened with copper nails and roves.

Aug 1987 bow rebuilt. The stem was replaced from keel to                                                             stemhead. The planks up to the stem were replaced alternating                                                        short and long, the fore deck of sheathed pine planks was                                                                lifted and relaid with 2 layers of sheathed ply and a stainless steel                                                       stem band fitted.

Winter 1988/89. Counter rebuilt. Stern post replaced. Counter                                                        planking replaced alternating short and long planks forward to                                                       under the cock-pit. Original copper rudder trunking replaced with a                                                stainless steel tube. Aft deck replaced in ply and sheathed.

Ballast                                    Long external 4.5 tonnes lead keel. This ballast keel was cast new                                                  by the owner in 1999 to replace the original iron ballast keel.

Keel bolts                              1999.  14 off  25mm 316 stainless steel keel bolts fitted new.

At the same time new garboards and 3 planks above each side                                                        were replaced by the boatyard.

Deck                                      The remaining original sheathed pine plank deck replaced in 1992

by 20mm plywood deck, sheathed in grp and painted to give a low

maintenance, completely water-tight deck. Any dubious deck

beams replaced.

Lots of clear deck space.

Deep toe rail all round with varnished capping.

Stainless steel deck fittings.

Stainless steel stemhead fitting with twin chain rollers

Heavy Sampson post on the aft deck

Flush fore-deck hatch  to port of the bowsprit to the chain and warp                                              locker below.


Cock-pit.                               Long, almost self-draining cock-pit with varnished mahogany                                                         coamings.

                                               1.70m long x 1.20m wide and .5 m deep deck to well.                                                                     The cock-pit well is lined with varnished T&G boarding.

2 x teak on ply  hatches in the well secured with turnbuckles                                                           on rubber seals lift to access the engine and stern gear.

The well is open up into the counter under the aft deck.

Pair of teak hatches on deck either side of the tiller aft of the cock-                                                pit to access the lazarette.

Oak Sampson post in each corner of the cock-pit alongside the                                                       hatch

Moveable helmsman’s bench across the after end.

2 moveable seat boxes port and stbd in the fwd corners.



Also in the cock-pit:

Engine instruments

Nav instrument display above the cabin steps

2 x 12v engine start batteries under the cock-pit sole with adjacent                                                 12v charge splitter.

240v ground isolation box

HW Calorifier tank

Water tanks

Diesel tank

Hydraulic pump for the auto-pilot

Fender stowage under the aft deck.


Coach-roof.                           The cock-pit coamings are stepped in and extended forward to form                                              the coach-roof coamings fitted with rectangular windows in bronze                                               frames in true Herreshoff style.

The coach-roof extends forward to the fore mast.

Varnished teak sliding hatch, full length twin doors to the cabin                                                     entrance from the cock-pit.

Main mast through the coach-roof just forward of the sliding hatch.

1986 coach-roof deck laid in sheathed 10mm ply over T&G pine                                                    below.

Traditional varnished teak glazed sky-light.


Fore hatch.                            The fore hatch immediately forward of the fore mast is built like a                                                 smaller coach-roof, also with varnished teak coamings set with a                                                   rectangular window each side, sheathed deck and varnished teak                                                    sliding hatch.


Steering                                 Long, shaped, varnished tiller with bronze fittings.

Hydraulic ram under the aft deck for the auto-pilot.


Rudder                                  Rebuilt 1992, reshaped to fit the new prop, strengthened with                                                        stainless steel through bolts and grp sheathed. New Teflon                                                              bearings.


The yacht was originally designed and launched with a gaff cutter rig which was typical for a yacht of her size at the time.

Sometime between 1911 and 1934 she acquired a gaff schooner rig, possibly changed prior to the proposed round the world voyage.

The present rig was rebuilt in the 1995/2000 Evian refit when the Douglas fir fore mast was extended and a new pine main mast built in 2005. Both masts are painted white for low maintenance, contrasting nicely with the varnished booms, gaffs, blocks and sail hoops.


Most of the other spars were replaced in Oregon pine in 2003.

Fixed varnished Oregon pine bowsprit with chain bob-stay and stainless steel dolphin striker.

New stainless steel chain plates fitted 1985, bolted to the outside and painted white like the hull. Chain plate bolts drawn for checking 2010 and found perfect.

2003 Supplied new by Toplich in Hamburg in7 x 7 stainless steel standing rigging, 10mm for the lowers and fore stays; 8mm for the uppers. Stainless steel thimbles and bronze swages.

Twin lowers and cap shrouds to each mast.

16mm stainless steel rigging screws.

Main mast with standing back-stays to the rail set slightly further aft than the shrouds.

Fore mast with running back-stays on 8:1 tackles.

Slab reefing on main and fore booms.

Facnor continuous line reefing on the genoa to the end of the bowsprit.

Facnor continuous line reefing for jib set behind genoa.

Boomed stays’l, and for racing an overlapping staysail with nearly 50% more area.

All traditional varnished blocks.

Bronze and varnished wood belay pins in the rigging sheer poles.



All sails by Lee Sails, Hong Kong in white Dacron.

Classic cut with vertical panels, mitre-cut jibs and genoas.

All sails covered or bagged.

Gaff mainsail                                     39sqm              2003

Gaff foresail                                       23.2sqm           2003

Boomed staysail                                 12.8sqm           2003

Racing staysail                                   20sqm              2009

Jib                                                       15.5sqm           2003

Flying jib, short luff                           8.9sqm             2003

Flying jib, long luff                            23.7sqm           2003

Genoa                                                 31.1sqm           2003

Main yard topsail                               15.2sqm           2008

Fore topsail                                        4.7sqm             2008

Queen sail                                          5.5sqm             2003

Fisherman staysail                              24.5sqm           2000

Genneker                                approx 90sqm              2003


With all plain sail, 5 lowers including the short luff flying jib she sets 80sqm

Racing, she sets 154sqm including racing staysail, genoa to replace the flying jib, topsails and queen sail.


The yacht sails for approx 100hrs per year on average so the sails have had relatively light usage and when not sailing are either fully covered or unbent.

Mainsail, fore sail and staysail have 2 rows of slab reefing points.

Both the fore sails are set on Facnor continuous line roller reefing systems


Pair of bronze Lewmar self-tailing sheet winches on the cock-pit coamings.  These can be  removed to improve the rating for racing.


Bukh DV48HME turbo 48hp 3-cyl diesel engine installed 2010.

Fresh water cooled.

Centre-line installation with conventional shaft drive to centre-line 2-blade 20” x 12” prop.

PRM single lever controls hydraulic gear-box.

Max 7.5knts

Consumption 3 litres/hr at cruising revs.

Historic Schooner


88 litres of diesel fuel in a Vetus plastic tank under the side deck in way of the cock-pit, feeding  a 15 litre day tank.




Engine start on 12v circuits:  2 x 12v Acid 108 ah batteries located under the cock-pit.

Domestic on 24v circuits:      12 x 2v gel batteries total 24v 320ah located under the cabin sole.


Battery charging

60amp belt driven alternator on the engine

Battery charging from the separate 4.8kw Fischer Panda generator., located under forward berths.

240v to 24v battery charger

240v to 12v battery charger

24v to 12v dc converter (for 12v electronics)

12v to 24v battery charger.

12v charge splitter

240v shore power supply

3000 watt 24v/240v inverter

240v ground isolation box


The 12v supply runs the engine start and small bilge pumps.

The 24v supply runs large bilge pumps and 3000w inverter

The shore supply or generator runs or the inverter runs the microwave, induction hob in the galley, electric kettle etc.



Fischer Panda AGT 4000 PMS 4.8KVA diesel generator in a silent box under the forward cabin berth. Installed new in 2005. 284 hours in spring 2014.



Accommodation                               6 berths


Fore peak with bitts, suspended reels of warps, chain below. Port side flush deck hatch above.

T&G pine bulkhead to the fore cabin.


Fore cabin with full width double berth.

Ship’s sides lined in varnished pine boards.

Fore hatch above with varnished teak coamings and sliding hatch, port and stbd rectangular windows in bronze frames.

Fischer generator under the berth in it’s dedicated sound-proof box with adjacent sea water intake and thru’ hull exhaust. Stowage either side of the generator box

Hanging locker with door to port side.

Varnished book shelves

Ventilator fan in the fwd bulkhead

Drawers under the stbd side head of the berth.


Bulkhead with off-centre doorway to:

Heads compartment to starboard with 12v Jabsco sea toilet, small hand basin drains into the WC bowl, holding tank with manual o/b pump, storage drawers, 300w inverter, deck wash pump and bilge pump below.

Full height locker to port with25 litre HW tank fitted with 240v immersion heater, storage bin and drawers. Suspended reel with 30 meters 3strand 20mm nylon anchor warp.

Shower tray in the cabin sole on the centre-line between the head and the locker.


Bulkhead with  centre doorway to the saloon cabin.

Saloon cabin under the coach-roof above, white painted teak coamings set with rectangular windows and 2 opening port holes in the forward coaming.

White painted t&g pine boards lining to the hull.

Port and stbd settee berths with hinged lids to storage below

Port and stbd pilot berths above. Half the width of the pilot berths can be folded down to form the backs of the settee berths below when is use as settees.

5 storage drawers under the pilot berths behind the settee backs.

24v Sonneheim gel batteries under the cabin sole.


Part bulkhead to galley aft to port with a deep round stainless steel sink against the aft bulkhead, varnished ply fore and aft work surface with cupboard under and the 2 pan  induction cooker with fiddle rail in a recess against the part bulkhead.

Microwave combined oven/grill on a shelf above the cooker. Pan stowage in the recess behind the cooker. Stowage locker below the cooker hob.

Plate stowage above the work surface with large recess locker in the after corner.

Spare chain and rigging stowed under the galley sole boards.


Part bulkhead to the chart desk aft to stbd.

Auto-pilot, log and depth displays.

Celetron bilge Watch monitors all bilge pumps.

Tiny Tac RPM and engine hours monitor

Sea-Me controller radar hit amplifier (new antenna required)

12v and 24v Sterling Power Management panels

3 x Sterling Power remote control panels for the battery chargers.


Oilskin locker alongside with life jackets and harnesses. Also here is stowage for the 3-piece cock-pit table.

6cu. top-loading built-in fridge with stowage drawers above and below.

Vanity shelf and mirror above

Cabin bilge pumps below the sole.


Companionway ladder with 4 steps to cock-pit between the chart desk and the galley. The top step incorporates a stowage locker.

Ladder removes to give access to the front end of the engine and engine compartment bilge pumps



Fwd cabin                  1.80m (5’11”)


Saloon cabin               1.80m  (5’11”)

Galley                         1.80m  (5’11”)



2 x 88litre Vetus plastic tanks under the side decks either side of the cock-pit.

50 litre holding tank with diverter valves and hand pump.

30 litreHW calorifier tank with immersion heater in heads locker.

50 litre HW calorifier tank under port side deck in way of the cock-pit with coil off the engine + 240v  immersion heater




In the cock-pit:           Magnetic compass centred between;

4 Swiss Tecnautic,com displays which can each be configured for all                                             functions – auto-pilot, wind speed, wind angle and log.

At the chart desk:      2 displays, auto-pilot and log

Depth sounder (transducer to be installed)

10” Netbook computer with chart plotter, GPS etc

VHF whip antenna atop fore mast

VHF AIS short antenna atop main mast.


Domestic                    Waeco 24v refridgeration in 6cu1 insulated top-opening box.

240v 2-hob induction hob cooker

240v stainless steel microwave oven and grill

240v kettle

Jabsco 24v sea toilet with macerator pump


Bilge pumps.             Jabsco 24v forward bilge and shower sump on flat switch

Whale 24v 1000l/hr midships bilge pump

Whale manual double chamber pump

Whale 24v1000l/hr engine sump

Rule 12v engine sump on float switch

Engine driven 12v clutch 1.25” Johnson bilge pump.


Ground tackle          24v Simpson Lawrence Sprint 3000 windlass sited on deck at the foot of                                      the fore mast with the chain locker below thus placing the weight well                                            back into the hull.

                                   25kg Bubble (plough) anchor

12.5kg Bubble anchor

50 meters 10mm chain with 30 meters 3-strand 20mm nylon rode

100 meters 16mm braided anchor rode with 5 meters 10mm chain


Uninstalled equipment available with the yacht.

                                   Cruz Pro C60 Windlass controller and chain counter

Icom M421 Class D DSC VHF radio

Nasa Marine PC AIS to connect to PC and antenna

Nasa Marine Navtex Pro with antenna to connect to PC

Nasa Marine Target Communications Receiver HF3/W with antenna

Thuraya Satellite Communications centre with GPS and marine antenna

Cape Horn Integrated wind vane self-steering.


Note:  The owner will begin to sell this equipment separately.


These particulars have been prepared in good faith from information provided by the Vendors and are intended as a guide, Wooden Ships cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. The Purchaser should instruct his agent or surveyor to validate all details as necessary and satisfy himself with the condition of the vessel and its equipment.

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These particulars have been prepared in good faith from information provided by the Vendors and are intended as a guide, Wooden Ships cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. The Purchaser should instruct his agent or surveyor to validate all details as necessary and satisfy himself with the condition of the vessel and its equipment.